The Hire Yourself Podcast

Pre-Flight Franchising Checklist

Hire Yourself Season 20 Episode 21

Before pilots take off, they have a pre-flight checklist they review to make sure everything is working safely and correctly.

Becoming a franchisee is no different!

You need to run several checks before you jump into ownership. Pete and Nat take you through their checklist so you can prepare.

Pete: [00:00:00] Good morning Na. 

Nat: Good morning, Pete. 

Pete: I'm bumped up today. Okay. 

Nat: Pump it up, baby, pump it up. 

Pete: So I get the opportunity to go on a trip here shortly and I'm gonna be flying. And I was thinking about that today a little bit cuz I was at the Darren Hardy business mastery class. And he was talking a little bit about airplanes and how when they developed these really complex planes, pilots were actually.

Scratching them, right? And so they just couldn't understand the sequence of all the technology. Cuz you look in a plane, all those buttons and knobs and stuff like that, right? And so that's when they created the checklist, the pre-flight checklist, right? You just, you have to do the certain order. So every flight you get on, the pilots are doing a checklist.

And to ensure that from safety, that they're, they're doing all the things right. [00:01:00] Well, I thought, well, there's a natural tie to also franchising, right? Yeah. Because franchising, they got a checklist for launching franchisees so that they're successful cuz it's complicated to launch a business. And so whether you're getting on a plane or you're launching a business, you have to have a pre checklist, right?

So I thought we'd talk about the compare the two. All right. So, The first thing I think about with checklists is purpose, right? So in a pre-flight checklist you have all the necessary tasks and safety measures that are completed before you can take off, take off the plane, right? So that's pretty basic, right?

Well, you compare that to a franchise and it also then has all the necessary steps you have to take to set up your business to successfully launch it. So I thought that's pretty cool how the two are parallel. Yeah, 

the then that's part of the value of a franchise, right? You can save [00:02:00] time by having a 


Yeah. So as you think about it, what would be another kind of area that, you know, the, there's a kind of commonality in regards to a flight pre checklist and a launch checklist. I think 

if I think about the nature of the checklist or kind of what are the essential steps for launching a franchise, that would probably be my another one.

Yeah, I think it's like the, so like a pre-flight checklist that focuses on the specific actions you have to take or the checks, right. So you gotta hit this, this button. This button. Okay. That's fine. You know, and so with the franchise also, then it outlines the essential steps you need to consider before you're launching, right?

So you have to pull this lever, I gotta find a facility, I gotta hire this person. I gotta do all this kind of stuff. So it's the kind of the nature of the checklist. What would be kind of the third one that you, you think about as we compare the two? 

Nat: Well, probably the most important one would [00:03:00] be the compliance and safety, cuz you know, you want, you don't wanna like fall 

Pete: outta the sky.

Yeah, yeah. You wanna make sure they, they got all those boxes right. We got enough fuel, things like that. So, So it includes things like hey, has this plane been maintained? Do you got fuel level, the right fuels the control surface, the communication systems, all the emergency procedures, but how, how does that then relate to a franchise?

So like I, if you kind of compare a franchise when we compliance and safety, how, how do you compare that? I think 

Nat: Probably all the local laws and regulations and licensing and, and all that. There's a lot to navigate when you're starting a business and, you know, you wanna make sure that you're gonna be safe and not, not get sidelined or whatever.

Pete: Yeah, yeah. You don't wanna crash your business. Is that exactly. That would be a fun way to say it. All right. What would be a kind of a fourth reason Or are they, how they come, how they align? Anything to do with 

Nat: operations I think is super important. You know, [00:04:00] finding locations, negotiating leases all that is kind of what comes to my mind.

Pete: Yeah, so a checklist for plane is, it's directly related to the operating of the aircraft. And so with the franchise, it's, it's finding an suitable location negotiating a lease procuring equipment. So it, again, that's kind of the operating nature of the business, setting all that stuff up. That makes sense.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. All right. What would be a, a fifth one? What would be another example of how the two align? I think there's a lot of like onetime things that have to be done when you're starting a franchise like grant opening and, and things like that. So I'm not sure how that ties into the pre-flight, 


Well, I think it's, they do have different frequencies, right? Mm-hmm. So with every flight you have to go through the checklist, right? So that's, it's, that's always the kind of, that's the protocol with the franchise, the way I would do it, I'd take a step back and say, for every [00:05:00] franchise that franchisor launches, they have to use the checklist.

Yeah. No. Yeah. Right. So I think you have to take a step back to, on that one. But, but both of them have to use the checklist every time they're initiating an event, whether it's launching a new franchisee or taking, you know, preparing for a flight. 

Nat: Yeah. You don't wanna miss any of those important steps, right.

Cause you could no, be trying to do your grand opening and not have the sign on the building or something like that. 

Pete: At the end of the day, you want to have a successful flight. Everybody makes it. They're safe. And when you launch a franchise, you wanna have a successful franchisee. So in both cases, we want success and hopefully every 

Nat: everybody opens up more locations and more success.

Pete: Yes. Yes, absolutely. So fun way to kind of compare that when we have checklists, whether it's a flight or a business, it's so important to have those, use those so that we can be successful. All right, well, safe travels Pete Much. All right. [00:06:00] Thanks so much. I hope your pilot does a good job. I hope he follows the checklist. 

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